Monday, February 27, 2012

Love Languages

教堂的Family Life Ministry 举办了一个庆祝情人节的Talk, Dinner, & Dance 给已婚夫妇。由于是英文媒介语的, 延延的代父母便鼓励我们参加。原本我以为外子不会有兴趣的, 但却出乎意料的他答应了, 我们便请妹妹代为照顾孩子, 而二人就"盛装"出席了。

当天的Talk是由一对结了婚25年的夫妇Mr. & Mrs. Edward 分享由Dr. Gary Chapman 所说的The 5 Love Languages. 觉得很有趣, 特撰此文与大家分享之。

5 Love Languages:

1.       Words of affirmationActions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important – hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

2.        Acts of service – Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most wants to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.

3.       Quality of time – In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there – with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby – makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

4.       Receiving Gifts – Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous – so would the absence of everyday gestures.

5.       Physical touch – This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face – they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.
("The 5 Love Languages" is adapted from )

不同的人喜欢不同的love languages, 为此我们必须了解自己所要的love languages 与伴侣所要的love languages, 然后尽量满足彼此, 不然我们就会投诉伴侣不懂得爱我们了。

Mr. & Mrs. Edward 让我们做了一个小exercise:

1.       Write down, for each other, up to twelve specific occasions through which you have known your partner’s love for you.      

2.       Taking into consideration your answers to Q1, put the 5 ways of showing love (5 Love Languages) in order of importance for you, where “1” is the most important and “5” is the least important. Then consider in which order of importance you think they come for your partner.

3.       Now compare and discuss with your husband or wife what each of you put for Q1 and Q2.

4.       Looking at your spouse’s first “love language” (i.e. the most important), list 3 ways in which you could communicate love to your husband or wife this week or month or even tonight during the dinner.

结果我都猜对了外子的love languages反而他都搞错了我的, 难怪我常爱投诉他, 哈!姑无论如何, 我与外子都觉得从这次的Talk中收获良多。后来我们还过了个很温馨的Dinner and Dance 呢!

Mr. & Mrs. Edward也鼓励我们常给彼此写love letter, 可是外子不会看中文。记得若干年前我曾在blog中写过感激外子的爱一文, 可惜他不会看, 就待有机会时他的孩子念给他听好了!


Saturday, February 18, 2012


每逢学院放长假时就很想为孩子们做些事: 温习、接送上课、买点心到学校给孩子吃以免他们老是吃食堂的老调食物、等等。

可是由于本身对时势新事物向来八卦, 又想花些时间做些研究, 看看其影响力与结果, 然后写下研究报告。


看, 时间似乎都不够用, 十分挣扎, 多忙啊! 到底该优先处理那一椿? 为此常奇怪, 怎么会有人老投诉太得空并无所事事?

每年都在想了又想的犹豫中假期过去了、浪费了、又后悔了。。。今年就下定决心把孩子放在首位, 决定后反而心安了。忙了也没怨言!


星期一最有空了, 只需早上送延延去学校, 然后回office办公; 2.30pm接他下课。维维有吾心爱爸爸帮忙载。

星期二早上送延延去学校, 然后回office办公; 1.40pm为维维带少少午餐, 因为他2.30-4.30pm在学校有羽球练习。4.30pm接了维维之后去接延延下课, 因为延延课外活动至4.30pm。

星期三早上送延延去学校, 然后回office办公; 2.30pm接他下课。维维有吾心爱爸爸帮忙载。7pm送延延去国语补习, 8pm送维维学钢琴。8.45pm由外子把孩子们一个一个接回家。

星期四早上送延延去学校, 然后回office办公; 1.10pm为维维带少少午餐, 因为他2.30-4.30pm在学校有武术。4.30pm接了维维之后去接延延下课, 因为延延上Cambridge English课至4.30pm。

星期五早上送延延去学校, 然后回office办公; 1.10pm为维维带午餐, 因为他1.30-2.30pm学校补习国、英语; 2.30-4pm有课外活动。4pm接了维维之后去接延延下课, 因为延延打乒乓至4.30pm。

回到家后待孩子做完功课, 我会与他们说说话, 会花多点时间与维维说故事或温习或陪他练钢琴。

看! 没教书的日子我就成了很忙的driver了。维维也比较幸福, 不然他要如哥哥一样吃食堂两餐了。

其实驾车来去是很累的, 尤其是在大热天; 但。。。或许是我已决定这个长假把孩子放在首位, 反而甘之若饴了!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012





我一看之下想都不想就决定出席了, 这可是我们学青中第一个当执事的呢, 不久他就会成为神父了! 难得的是与外子谈起他也赞成出席, 於是我们就乘此机会带孩子们cuti-cuti怡保。


当天虽然下起雨来, 但仪式进行得十分顺利。亿赐在答谢词中十分风趣地说: "元宵节是中国人的情人节, 而这一天我与天主情订终身。" 让我听了很感动!

还记得当年我与外子决定结婚时, 亿赐主动自发地帮我们筹备教堂婚礼。这对我们帮助很大, 因为我们两家皆非来自教友家庭, 对教堂婚礼的仪式不什了解。至今仍十分感激他, 对他的请缨帮忙没齿难忘!

我想在这一天当我们为亿赐的决定而感谢天主时, 我们更应该感谢天主给了我们余廉神父及他所创办的学青团体, 这让我们认识了耶稣与天主教并因此而进入天主教的大家庭。为此我愿特别为余廉神父的灵魂祈祷。



此外, 这次的怡保之旅最开心是见着了老朋友采饪。这老大姐十分全能, 又开餐厅、又设计兼出售自家设计的鞋子、省电器、省油器等, 真让我自叹不如。

隔天我们一家四口还顺利地在怡保著名的富山茶楼用早点。味道是不错但价格比起槟城的反而贵多了, 试试无妨, 若长期如此实一大消费。

姑无论如何, 这个元宵节能一家出席亿赐修士晋升执事典礼, 又见着老朋友真可说是个特别而圆满的元宵节啊!

*执事在天主教信仰中是主教或神父们的"助手", 专门协助主教或神父们的教堂礼仪及传教工作。